Since the beginning of 2018, Olney Culture Lab has been partnered with the Tookany-Tacony/Frankford Watershed Partnership (TTFWP). They are the non-profit stewards of the creek that has its headwaters in Lower Montgomery County and flows into Philadelphia County, crossing through various neighborhoods including Olney.
We have been helping TTFWP increase the awareness of their work by deploying a variety of cultural engagement strategies. They include the initiation of an oral history project, a Tacony Creek Park photo contest and a collaboration with several local artists towards performances inspired by their own engagement with the park.
Our partnership continues to grow and expand in remarkable ways with the inclusion of Tacony Creek Park in the Olney Embrace Project to our current work on a pilot project called People of the Park as part of TTFWP’s long-term master planning process.
Plus, the People of the Park portrait signs are debuting this winter 2023!
(The oral history interviews are archived at Manor College Library, courtesy of Professor of History Matthew Smalarz.)