Dear Friends, Neighbors & Partners,
We hope this message finds you all in good spirits despite these trying times.
Olney Culture Lab is happy to announce the launch of The Olney Embrace Project. This project will be a multi-disciplinary, multi-site exploration of the Olney neighborhood, its residents and our diverse cultures and stories. We aim to permeate a variety of civic spaces with meaningful arts and cultural engagements from now until the end of 2022. In addition to activating well-known locales such as North 5th Street business corridor, Fisher Park and Tacony Creek Park among others, we will also be working to find ways to navigate the pandemic and converse with audiences through the digital realm. Through this project, we aspire to increase the community’s sense of potential, positive identity, and social-civic wellness.
We are working with an amazing team of distinguished artists, dancers and musicians from Philadelphia who will be spending the next year and a half finding out what makes Olney a unique place to live, work and play.
Our events and activities will vary in scope depending on the evolving health conditions, but we hope to include presentations, workshops, exhibitions, and performances, along with online broadcasts and productions.
We will announce more events and activities as they are arranged. This is truly an exciting time for us as we prepare to bring you safe, engaging, and inclusive programming. You can also encourage your family and friends to our website olneyculturelab.org where we have a page dedicated to The Olney Embrace Project which will be constantly updated with new information and content.
Lead support of The Olney Embrace Project is provided by William Penn Foundation.
Feel free to reach out to us at olneyculturelab@gmail.com with any questions.
The Olney Culture Lab Family