Audio Olney is a podcast envisioned to share the stories of the diverse ethnic and socio-economic neighborhood of Olney in Philadelphia. Audio Olney aims to bring community voices to the table, highlight cultural expressions and examine what makes the neighborhood unique in its history and current beauty and complexity.
The second season is produced by Olney Culture Lab in collaboration with Amber Art & Design. The podcast is hosted by Linda Fernandez and Keir Johnston of Amber Art and Design; music and sound design by June Lopez; research and writing by Ambrose Liu. Additional support for this episode provided Varissa McMickens Blair.
Episode Three, Part One of Audio Olney debuts on April 28, 2023. This episode features Olney residents – Ellen Somekawa and Reverend Roger Zepernick – two lions of social justice who have fought and continue to fight the good fight for the rights of immigrant communities and the working poor in the city of Philadelphia. Part One of Two covers Ellen and Reverend Roger’s separate arrivals to Philadelphia from the Midwest and traces their evolution as activists as they begin raising their voices for the Asian and Latino immigrant communities respectively.
Episode Three, Part Two of Audio Olney debuts on May 26, 2023. In this second segment of Episode Three, Olney residents Ellen Somekawa and Reverend Roger Zepernick make their mark within the public education realm of Philadelphia. Ellen discusses how the Folk Arts Cultural Treasures Charter School in Chinatown came into being; Reverend Roger speaks on his role as a board member of both Esperanza and ASPIRA charter schools which included time working on behalf of Olney High School. They both expound on what it means to be an ally in the cause of social justice and how challenging it can be to navigate through the multitude of complex agendas among different special interest groups.
featured guests on episode three

Ellen somekawa

reverend roger zepernick
WATCH: No More Wrecking Balls! Through art, dance, music, & parody, we’re encouraging folks to get involved in the fight to #SaveChinatown and stop billionaire developers from destroying the last working class community of color in Center City. #NoArenaInChinatown #SaveChinatown