Audio Olney is a podcast envisioned to share the stories of the diverse ethnic and socio-economic neighborhood of Olney in Philadelphia. Audio Olney aims to bring community voices to the table, highlight cultural expressions and examine what makes the neighborhood unique in its history and current beauty and complexity.
The second season is produced by Olney Culture Lab in collaboration with Amber Art & Design. The podcast is hosted by Linda Fernandez and Keir Johnston of Amber Art and Design; music and sound design by June Lopez; research and writing by Ambrose Liu. Additional support for this episode provided Varissa McMickens Blair.
Episode Five of Audio Olney debuts on November 3, 2023. This episode features two Black-owned businesses in Olney, each one with their unique stories that capture the ups and downs of establishing a business and brand and what it takes to build a successful enterprise despite the challenges that face minority business owners. We profile Michael Crawford of Holla Athletics & Sporting Goods and Ed Hipp of Ed Hipp Foods Inc.
featured guests on episode Five

Donia Benjamin

Ed hipp