Olney Culture Lab was invited by our friends at Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed Partnership to embark on an exciting new endeavor in the beginning of 2022. It entailed pulling together a special creative team to tell the story of passionate park users and advocates.
From that, People of the Park was born.
People of the Park is a project that celebrates the stories of individuals who currently have an on-going, personal connection with Tacony Creek Park in Philadelphia.
Tacony Creek Park is an under-appreciated green space within the Philadelphia Parks and Recreation system. It receives considerably less public attention and notice than other parks within the system that are more well-known, such as Fairmount Park and Pennypack Park.
Part of what makes Tacony Creek Park so special and unique is its connection to the larger Tookany/Tacony-Frankford Watershed, which winds through several working class and lower-income neighborhoods in the city of Philadelphia. Demographically, the neighborhoods and communities surrounding TTF are extremely diverse. It is an ethnically, linguistically, economically and culturally rich landscape.
People of the Park reflects not only the rich backgrounds and heritages of the individuals featured, but also their special relationships with the park itself, and the many ways in which they spend time inside this beautifully biodiverse, urban green space.
What is common among each person featured in this project is their passion and love of Tacony Creek Park.
Through images, words, voices and sound, we hope that those who encounter People of the Park will be inspired by the physical “portrait signs” along the park trails and the accompanying online project webpage. What you encounter, see, and hear is a true reflection of the interactions, investment and reciprocity these featured individuals have generously shared with us. Their stories and personal expressions are as alive and growing as the park itself.
Our mutual call to action is an opportunity for all who visit the park to join TTF, Olney Culture Lab, and these featured “People of the Park” to act as strong advocates for preserving and protecting the unique environmental and cultural asset that is Tacony Creek Park.
Click on each of the images below to visit the project page containing images of the portrait signs along with interviews excerpts and additional photos of those featured. Better yet, go to the park and encounter the signs in the natural elements of the park!
Gente del Parque es un proyecto que celebra las historias de individuos que actualmente tienen una relación continua y personal con el Tacony Creek Park en Filadelfia.
Tacony Creek Park es un espacio verde poco valorado dentro del sistema de Parques y Recreación de Filadelfia. Recibe considerablemente menos atención pública que otros parques dentro del sistema que son más conocidos, tal como Fairmount Park y Pennypack Park.
Parte de lo que hace a Tacony Creek tan especial y único es su conexión a la cuenca Tookany/Tacony-Frankford, la cual cursa a través de varios vecindarios de clase obrera e ingresos bajos en la cuidad de Filadelfia. En cuestión demográfica, los vecindarios y las comunidades que rodean TTF son extremadamente diversas. Es un panorama étnico, lingüístico, económico y culturalmente diverso.
Gente del Parque refleja no solo los trasfondos y herencias ricas de los individuos representados sino también sus relaciones especiales con el parque y las múltiples maneras en que pasan tiempo dentro de este espacio verde urbano de biodiversidad. Lo que es común entre todas las personas representadas en este proyecto es su pasión y amor por el Tacony Creek Park.
A través de las imágenes, palabras, voces y sonido, esperamos que todos los que encuentren Gente del Parque serán inspirados por los “letreros fotográficos” físicos por los senderos del parque y la página de Internet que lo acompaña. Lo que usted encuentre, vea y escuche es un reflejo real de las interacciones, inversión y reciprocidad que los individuos representados han compartido generosamente con nosotros. Sus historias y expresiones personales son tan vivas como el mismo parque.
Nuestra llamada a la acción mutual es una oportunidad a todos aquellos que visiten el parque para unirse a TTF, Olney Culture Lab y aquellos representados en “Gente del Parque” para actuar como defensores poderosos para preservar y proteger el ambiente único y patrimonio cultural que es el Tacony Creek Park.
Project Team: Ambrose Liu and Varissa McMickens Blair (project managers), Paola Nogueras (photographer), Carolina Gomez (graphic design) and June Lopez (sound design).
Portrait Signs fabricated and installed by MS Signs.
Additional project support provided by Indochinese American Council, Korean Cultural Center, Samuel Dupre, Cambodian Association of Greater Philadelphia, St. Paul’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, New Life Church and Maria Moise.